Fuel Up Before Working Out


Before going to the gym or doing your at-home daily workout, proper nutrition is key! When we do not nourish our bodies before our physical activity, we can feel weak and tired by mid workout and not perform . A great option is a protein bar with a fruit like shown below and better yet, you can also have a protein shake like the one we use the Formula 1 Sport and mix it with some fruits or nuts. This will give you the carbs, protein, calories and vitamins necessary to fuel you up!

To contact us visit http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com or find your preworkout share here: https://www.goherbalife.com/ktoledo/en-US/Catalog/Energy-Fitness/Herbalife24/Herbalife24-Formula-1-Sport


HAPPY 2017! Time to Set Goals and Make it Happen




We have made it to a new year! It is the moment for a fresh beginning, the past is gone and now we need to focus on the 364 opportunities ahead of us! Have you sat down to really analyze what you want for this year? More than just voicing our wishes and resolutions we need to take a moment and write it down not in just any notebook but in a place where we can see it on a daily basis and remember what we are working to achieve.

Most people have the goal to improve their health and body which is fantastic! Others want to obtain or adapt other new habits but whatever the goal may be follow these simple steps:

  1. Discover what you really want and Write it down!
  2. Find out what you need to do to achieve it ( Research and learn what will it take)
  3. Design a Plan  (strategy) that you will implement daily
  4. Measure your progress and make changes as needed

If you need help getting started  find people who are familiar with the process and have had the results of  you’re looking to achieve and learn from them. Use them as a guide and mentor to help you see what you need to fix, add or simply stop doing.

Wishing you a 2017 full of health, positivity, hope, prosperity and success!

If you have health & fitness goals for 2017 visit us at http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com







Cellular Nutrition for a Healthy Body and a Healthy Life


Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells; the most basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. Our cells carry out imperative functions day in and out. They make up our tissues and organs; and how we nourish them determines if they will function and reproduce properly.

Many people do not understand that a healthy lifestyle and getting a good daily nutrition is not just about achieving weight loss, and gaining muscle. It is not something that only dieters, athletes or body builders need to worry about. It goes much deeper than that; good daily nutrition is essential to every single person regardless of age, sex and their activity level. Living a healthy and active life will not only help us look good on the outside, but we actually feel good, feel healthy and enjoy a special vitality each morning and throughout the day!

Cellular Nutrition is a special and unique term used in the Herbalife Nutrition Philosophy. It is designed to provide the adequate nutrients our cells need on a daily basis to grow, function, reproduce and expire in the healthiest state possible. It is not medicine and is not intended to cure, diagnose, treat or prevent any disease; it is a fantastic nutritional supplement that can be used as a meal replacement for breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the personalized nutrition and fitness plan that is designed by your coach according to your weight, energy and fitness goals.

After we have a stable nutritional foundation, it is a lot easier to focus on, improve and see greater results in more specific areas of our health like: digestive health, cardiovascular heath, skincare, fitness, stress management, healthy aging, etc.

As your wellness coach I am excited to help you get started on this amazing cellular nutrition that has been a part of my life since the age of 17. Today I feel better than ever! I have been able to not only lose 50 lbs and drop many clothing sizes, I also feel happy and energized each morning and I know I am giving my body the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more in a simple, quick and nutritious way.

Visit http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com for more info about our coaching services & nutrition products!


Is it really worth it?


When we are following a nutrition program and trying to eat as healthy as possible many temptations come our way. Especially near the weekend and holiday season, we are surrounded by lots of delicious snacks, sweets, foods, drinks and treats.

When we tend to allow ourselves the famous cheat meal, that can quickly and unconsciously turn into a cheat day or even a cheat weekend! Indulging  once in a while is ok, but what we do need to ask ourselves when choosing a “cheat meal or treat” is “Is it really worth it?” In the picture below, we can see a few examples of how some of these common delicious but fat, sugar , salt and calorie rich foods can equal a considerable amount of exercise. (that most do not do afterwards)

If we continually indulge and do not compensate with a steady exercise schedule the  extra calories and fats we are putting into our bodies, little by little it can add up and show up as a love handle here and there. The focus and results tend to be on point from Tuesday to Friday but after the weekend damage, Monday rolls around and some are back to square 1.

So lets just put the goodies and the equivalent work on a balance and make better and more conscious sensible selections of what we choose to eat and how we plan to stay on track with our nutrition & exercise plan.

If you’d like more tips about how to curb cravings and focus more on your nutrition and fitness plan visit us at http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com


Change from “I Need” to “I Deserve”


When we do things with a “I HAVE to” or “I NEED to” attitude, we tend to see them as a painful tasks that require a tiring amount of extra work and sacrifice. This attitude causes us to feel and operate in a negative mindset in which we tend to complain the whole time and not enjoy what we’re doing, even if we know deep down the benefit it will bring us will be worth it.

However, when we change that mindset from “I NEED to” to “I DESERVE” & “I WANT to” and we start seeing the opportunity to improve, learn and grow; It makes the process much more enjoyable! When we shift the focus to a positive mindset, we will perform the tasks with love and with the correct intention. This will ultimately lead to better and longer lasting results in any area of life.

In the aspect of eating healthy and working out it definitively applies as well. Let’s make better food choices and exercise on a daily because our bodies DESERVE it not because we HAVE to. If your goal is to manage weight, gain lean muscle, improve your energy etc. see every healthier food choice, every bottle of water, every workout session as the opportunity to get you closer to that goal!

You deserve to look & feel good, you deserve go about your day with amazing energy & you serve yo enjoy the best health possible! Happy Thursday!

