Fuel Up Before Working Out


Before going to the gym or doing your at-home daily workout, proper nutrition is key! When we do not nourish our bodies before our physical activity, we can feel weak and tired by mid workout and not perform . A great option is a protein bar with a fruit like shown below and better yet, you can also have a protein shake like the one we use the Formula 1 Sport and mix it with some fruits or nuts. This will give you the carbs, protein, calories and vitamins necessary to fuel you up!

To contact us visit http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com or find your preworkout share here: https://www.goherbalife.com/ktoledo/en-US/Catalog/Energy-Fitness/Herbalife24/Herbalife24-Formula-1-Sport


Cellular Nutrition for a Healthy Body and a Healthy Life


Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells; the most basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. Our cells carry out imperative functions day in and out. They make up our tissues and organs; and how we nourish them determines if they will function and reproduce properly.

Many people do not understand that a healthy lifestyle and getting a good daily nutrition is not just about achieving weight loss, and gaining muscle. It is not something that only dieters, athletes or body builders need to worry about. It goes much deeper than that; good daily nutrition is essential to every single person regardless of age, sex and their activity level. Living a healthy and active life will not only help us look good on the outside, but we actually feel good, feel healthy and enjoy a special vitality each morning and throughout the day!

Cellular Nutrition is a special and unique term used in the Herbalife Nutrition Philosophy. It is designed to provide the adequate nutrients our cells need on a daily basis to grow, function, reproduce and expire in the healthiest state possible. It is not medicine and is not intended to cure, diagnose, treat or prevent any disease; it is a fantastic nutritional supplement that can be used as a meal replacement for breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the personalized nutrition and fitness plan that is designed by your coach according to your weight, energy and fitness goals.

After we have a stable nutritional foundation, it is a lot easier to focus on, improve and see greater results in more specific areas of our health like: digestive health, cardiovascular heath, skincare, fitness, stress management, healthy aging, etc.

As your wellness coach I am excited to help you get started on this amazing cellular nutrition that has been a part of my life since the age of 17. Today I feel better than ever! I have been able to not only lose 50 lbs and drop many clothing sizes, I also feel happy and energized each morning and I know I am giving my body the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more in a simple, quick and nutritious way.

Visit http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com for more info about our coaching services & nutrition products!


Happy Thanksgiving Dinner


The holiday season is here!! Time for delicious food, drinks, laughs and fun with our friends and family! Enjoy it to the max but keep in mind your goals! The average person gains between 7-10 lbs from now till December 31st! Don’t be a statistic, don’t let your efforts from the last few weeks and months go to waste! You can still have a great time and enjoy all of your favorite holiday treats in moderation.

Here is a sample of how to fill you plate with some delicious and traditional Thanksgiving goodies that will fill you up and stay within your nutrition plan!


Also remember to get in a workout or two this weekend to not only help you stay active and burn calories but also to keep the momentum and fitness schedule going! A “trusty companion” I always have handy during this season is some Thermobond tablets. I love these because they are a fantastic fiber supplement to have before eating! Fiber is well known for its natural ability to expand as it absorbs water, filling the stomach and creating a satisfying feeling of fullness, thereby triggering a signal to stop eating. It is found mainly in whole grains as well as beans, fruit and some vegetables so remember to incorporate these into your feast too! Visit http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com to contact us or to get your Thermobonds!

Wishing you a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Healthy Home Cooking Saves You Time & Money!


For many years my husband and I had the habit of buying food outside on a daily basis to supposedly “save time”. We used to spend at least $25 a day on a home delivered food or stopping by a restaurant for lunch and when we came to see not only where we spending a crazy amount of money on a monthly basis but we were also not having the results we wanted. A salad or a “healthy meal” in a restaurant can easily be more than 800-1000 calories because of the ingredients and how it’s prepared.

Like us most people have had the thought that cooking at home is too time consuming but we learned that preparing food at home has a double purpose. First, you save time because you can prepare enough to eat afterwards and second, you definitely get more for your money because with the same $75 we used to spend on 3 lunch outings we had enough ingredients to make lunch meals for the week.

If you are concerned that you don’t have time to prepare quick healthy meals here are a few tips that can help you:

Print out or write in a notebook 10-12 quick and easy recipes that you’d like to have handy especially for when you haven’t had a chance to think about what to make and need a quick solution

Make sure to have plenty of ingredients on hand. I always make sure my freezer and refrigerator is stocked with fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean proteins like chicken breasts, fish, eggs or shrimp. Also I make sure to always have healthy staples like tuna, beans, tomato sauce, quinoa, brown rice etc. Some spices I like to have ready to use are, pink Himalayan salt, ground pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, vinegar, cinnamon, cumin, cilantro etc. These spices help give great flavor to foods without the extra calories or additives like MSG found in other seasoning powders.

Take advantage of convenient pre-washed / pre-packaged foods like salad greens, and vegetables. In most supermarkets or wholesale foods stores they sell inexpensive boxes of baby spinach, baby lettuce; mixed greens and bags of pre-cut vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, green beans, etc. These are a great time saver and all you have to do is throw  them into the pan, steamer or even just straight onto your plate.

Cook one big pot, eat a few times. If you’re preparing chicken or fish with some quinoa or brown rice for dinner, make enough for you and the family and some extra to use for later or the following day. When I prepare a pot of brown rice I usually make enough to last 2-3 days. As long as it is properly stored it will stay fresh and taste just as great as when freshly made.

Aside from these healthy meals, we have been incorporating the Herbalife Nutrition Products to our daily meal plan for the past 12 years! We love it because it takes out the guess work of what to have for breakfast and or lunch/dinner therefore it saves us time since it’s to quick and simple to prepare and it provides us with all the nutrients our body needs! Combining this along with the healthy home cooked meals we have been able to transform our bodies and we continue working for our next results!

For more information about how you can get started on a personalized meal plan visit us at http://www.KJGetFitUSA.com or email us at KJGetFitUSA@gmail.com


Fat is not our Enemy!


Fat has almost always had a bad reputation when it comes to weight loss or healthy living.I like many people have believed that eating fat is not beneficial for my weight loss efforts and that I had to keep away from it at all costs, but then I learned that fat is not the enemy. Fat is a very important nutrient to ingest everyday because it’s responsible for storing energy, it’s essential for our cells and nutrient absorption. Also fat is beneficial to our joint health, brain health, immune health and also helps to hydrate our skin. The important thing to realize is that we do need to eat fat, but we need the right kinds of fats! Mono saturated, Poly saturated, plant-based saturated fats and Omega-3 Fatty Acids are the most beneficial to our health, weight and metabolism. In the image below you can see some food sources for healthy fat. Also you can obtain these healthy fats from supplements that provide them in a convenient and simple way. If you’d like more information email me at KJGETFITUSA@gmail.com or visit us at http://www.KJGETFITUSA.comIMG_9776fat

8 Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Tips to start off your week!


The following tips are important to follow if you’re looking to have more energy, get in shape, improve your fitness and look and feel better than ever!
1- Don’t Skip Breakfast! I know you’ve heard it before “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and it truly is! We need a nutritious and energizing boost to start each day! One of the main reasons people feel tired and suffer serious weight problems, are due to not giving their bodies enough nutrition in the morning leading to low energy and overeating of unhealthy foods during the rest of the day.

2- Cut down saturated fats & sugars: Our bodies need fats and carbohydrates (sugars) but we need to learn which types are most beneficial to our health and how to eat them in balance.
3- Quench your thirst! One of the most challenging disciplines for most people is to drink enough water. Remember our bodies are mostly made of water so we need to hydrate it properly to help our organs and body functions work at their best.
4- Reduce Salt: Salt/ Sodium commonly  has a bad reputation (as do carbs & fats) but we actually need this important mineral for many crucial body functions; once again the suggestion is to have it, but avoid excessive quantities.
5-  Whole grains and other starchy foods provide fiber: We need to incorporate healthy, whole grain foods and consume them in moderation to take advantage of the fiber they contain which keep us regular and promote healthy digestion.
6- Eat more fish :Wild caught is best because Farm Raised fish usually contain less nutrients and Omega-3’s needed for brain health and healthy circulation.
7- Eat more fruits and veggies : In all your meals include at least half of the plate of veggies, salad, greens , fruits etc. to obtain the fiber, anti-oxidants and phytonutrients we need. The more vibrant the color and the less it is cooked, the more nutrients we can obtain from them.
8- Get Active!! Reach you level 10 by following an exercise plan at least 4-5 times a week! Walking is great for cardiovascular health and a wonderful start if you are new to exercise but we need to actually sweat and challenge our bodies with a routine targeting different areas various times a week to really see results and complement that with a good and balanced nutrition as well.
Learn more about these tips and get help with implementing in your life you reach your goals! Contact us at KJGetFitUSA@gmail.com or visit us! www.KJGetFitUSA.com


Are My Health Issues Really Genetic?


Many years ago my lifestyle was extremely unhealthy. I had poor eating habits and definitely didn’t exercise or drink enough water. My family did not have the information we know now and unfortunately many of my family members suffered diseases like diabetes, cancer and obesity just to name a few. I was always told that since these diseases existed in my family, with time I would inevitable get them as well. From what I have learned, this is true in part but in reality only 30% of the health issues we encounter are caused by genetics; the major cause of these (70% in fact) is actually attributed to our lifestyle! It’s literally in our hands if we allow these diseases to take a hold of us. What we put into our bodies as well as how active we are make a huge difference in how we look, feel and ultimately how our health and wellbeing are. My goal is to help people understand and achieve a balance in these three areas listed in the picture below. Having a balanced nutrtion, an active lifestyle and a personalized nutrition program are the formula to a healthy life! Contact me at KJGetFitUSA@gmail.com or visit  www.KJGetFitUSA.com to learn how you can get started in achieving a balanced life and discover 4 simple steps to reach your goals!

Tea is Life!


After water, Tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world. People have enjoyed it for thousands of years. There are many different types of teas, and each provides us with many amazing benefits! Tea is a fantastic way to boost our energy, provide antioxidants to the body and other important minerals. These teas listed below are the ones available specifically in the Herbalife Nutrition Product Line. I have tasted and enjoy all of them. Depending on what I am looking for, I choose which category of tea to drink. My absolute favorite is the Herbal Tea Concentrate because of the energy and metabolism boost it provides! These teas as well as the other products are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease they simply are a great way to start your day with a nice boost of energy and sense of well-being! For more information visit me at http://www.KJGETFITUSA.COM


What 6 Habits are Causing You to Age Faster?


We all strive to have healthy, radiant, younger looking skin! We spend hundreds and thousands of dollars each year in treatments, creams, lotions, massages and procedures to try to look our best and slow the aging process! Unfortunately, time does pass and we all have to age sooner or later, but all these years of the efforts mentioned above can have short term or little noticeable results if we are continually doing most of the items on the list below that can make us age faster!

Our Skin is the largest waste removing organ of the body, others being the lungs, kidneys and colon. The skin performs a range of different functions which include protecting our bones, muscles and internal organ, protecting us from outside bacteria and diseases; it’s also a fundamental part of our sense of touch, allowing us to react to heat and cold as well as using our blood to regulate the body temperature.

Every 28 days our skin renews itself. So the type of foods, environments and lifestyle habits we partake in day by day can affect how radiant and healthy or how dull and dry our skin can look and feel! Lipids are healthy fats that keep skin cells moist and protected. These are usually destroyed by detergents and alcohol. Our hair and nails are made of a protein called Keratin thus is why we need appropriate protein and nutrient intake, and hydration. Our skin also has a special protein called Collagen that is present in all the body’s organs and tissues. It’s main function is to sustain tendons, skin and cartilage. It provides integrity, firmness and elasticity to these structures, therefore maximizing and maintaining collagen levels for longer will keep the skin supple.

The following list are 6 habits that can be causing you to age faster! Let’s take a look!

  1. Lack of Sleep: Late nights and not resting enought leads to extreme deterioration of nutrients and can cause bags under the eyes and flabby and tired looking skin.
  2. Smoking: Almost all kinds of smoking products are made and loaded with chemicals and toxins that lead to acne, discoloration and wrinkles
  3. Drinking in Excess: Constant and excessive amounts of alcohol dehydrate the skin and causes the body filters to age and lose their proper functions quicker.
  4. Lack of Exercise: A sedentary lifestyle leads to poor circulation. Not having enough oxygen circulating body in addition to poor nutrition causes spider/varicose veins and other skin issues.
  5. Eating unhealthy fats and toxic foods: causes buildup of oils and toxins under the skin which leads to acne and many other skin problems.
  6. Not having a skin care regimen! When we do not dedicate time to care for our skin and cleanse, exfoliate and hydrate it correctly we are not helping remove the oils, toxins and dead cells that cause that tired, dull appearance most people want to avoid!

Taking care of your skin does not have to be a lengthy spa-like process. You can literally take just a few minutes each morning and evening while in the bathroom to nourish your skin just like you care and nourish the rest of your body! Get more details on how you can have healthy, younger, radiant looking skin in a simple easy to follow plan! Contact me at KJGETFITUSA@gmail.com or visit us http://www.KJGETFITUSA.com


Change of Season: Time to strengthen our Immune System!



The crisp air and chilly mornings are now upon us. The new season has arrived! For many, it’s the time of year when eyes get watery, noses get runny, and we resort to hot tea, cocoa, soup and many other things to keep up warm and make us feel better.  Most of the time we cannot avoid certain germs, bacteria, viruses etc.;  from entering out bodies and making us feel under the weather, but what can we do, is nourish and take care of ourselves the best way possible.

Our immune system is the body’s natural and only defense method against pathogens. It is made up of cells, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body. When it breaks down, we get sick. Every day, we encounter billions of germs, not all of them are bad but we still need to have a healthy immune system to protect us from those that are.

The first thing we can do is decide to live a healthy lifestyle. Every part of our body, including the immune system, functions better when taken care of through healthy lifestyle habits and adequate nutrition.

Potentially harmful molecules called free radicals are not only generated by the body when we exercise, but are also present in foods we eat as well as in the air we breathe.  Anti-oxidants help fight oxidation, a normal chemical process that takes place in the body all the time. It can be accelerated by stress, smoking, alcohol, radiation and other factors. Anti-oxidants come in many forms, mainly vitamins and minerals, and they work together to help keep cells functioning properly.

Some of these important anti-oxidants include: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotenoids (Beta-carotene) Bioflavonoids, Selenium, and CoQ10 etc. These and many more are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes (beans) and in some meats, fish and poultry. The best way to get an assortment of anti-oxidants in our diet is to eat foods that represent all the colors of the rainbow in balance, and complement the rest with nutritional supplements.

Aside from healthy eating habits, you can also implement lifestyle changes that can benefit you such as: not smoking, reducing stress, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, hydrating the body properly, getting a good amount of sleep, practicing good hygiene (frequently washing hands) and handling and cooking food appropriately.

Boosting our immune system isn’t just about taking care against colds and flus. Boosting the immune system is one of the best ways to protect ourselves from many other health concerns as well.

Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, however when taken in conjunction with a healthy and active lifestyle, they help to support immune health by providing an array of anti-oxidants and other beneficial nutrients. These can be found in the majority of the products especially in the Cellular Nutrition Core Products & the Targeted Nutrition Immune Health line. See more on www.goherbalife.com/ktoledo